Jeff Rowland to what?

I currently own a Jeff Rowland 625 S2 amplifier. I'm curious as to what amplifiers I should listen to below 20K, new or used. I'm not unhappy, but I'm curious. The amp will be driving Monitor Audio PL500 II's. The preamp is a Jeff Rowland Corus.

Too much disposable income and boredom is a terrible problem to have isn't it? Love reading this stuff! Just had dinner in Carefree AZ at a little Italian restaurant and what do I see? The last amp I bought from him I gave it to the guy that drives by looking for looking for stuff to pick up for scrap. I've had 3. Looking at my system now you coull

Ricred1 - curious to know if you held on to your 625. I am also in San Antonio and am looking for a replacement for some ancient jrdg moons and the 625s2 was reccomended highly. Would love to connect one day and talk it over.