Isn't this a site dedicated to audio/video

I have to say this is my favorite site since I stumbled upon it just over a month ago...however, I am saddened and hope others share my feelings when I see somebody using Audiogon to sell the new Nintendo game cube at what I assume will be an outrageous markup. Please...lets not let this website turn into another place for people to "rape" the general public at christmas time for whatever the most popular gift is that year. I dont want to start seeing $1000 Tickle Me Elmos on audiogon and I dont care if the Nintendo does play DVD's or CD's...go sell it on EBAY

Showing 1 response by danheather

Couldn't agree more. It's bad enough to see the occasional 6X9 listed under speakers, but at least the seller can claim ignorance. But, to try and hawk non audio-related merchandise (at an outrageous markup, to boot) is ridiculous. Please AudiogoN...don't let this happen to your WONDERFUL website!