Is the word 'Integrated' that hard to spell?

When I sell an item here, or write anything for that matter, there are no typos. It's as if my browser detects typos so I can fix them. Oh wait, all browsers have spelling error detection for at least 5 years (a simple setting toggle).

There's an advert here now for an 'Integtrated.' And often others for 'intergrateds.' And speakers with good low 'base.' The latter is a grammar error, and even lazier. On an audio site, do we not know how bass is spelled? Really?

Of course, upon moving to NC last year, I discovered that 'chair' is actually two syllables.

Go ahead, flame away. Make sure to spell check first so it's legible.


Showing 1 response by ejr1953

All those years I've been in the working world (about 50 of them), I've been surprised at how sloppy people can be with letters, memos and emails; it detracts from the perceived "professionalism" when it contains all those miss-spellings.