Is the Rotel RMB-1095 a good 5.1 channel amp

I am looking to pick up a demo Rotel RMB-1095 amp for my extra man cave would this be a good amp for a 20' X 30' room price is $1,000.00
Could I get something better for around the same price with equal quality.
I’ve had mine for 12 years and love it with Aerial 7b and CC3b.  Though your price seems a little high 
Krell KAV 500 5-channel amplifier. I may have a lead on one. Let me know if this is of interest.
Stanley I was looking for a 5 channel amp with 200+WPC the Krell KAV 500 5 channel is only rated at 100WPC.
My current AV receiver the Anthem MRX 520 puts out 100WPC that's why I was looking to upgrade.
Thanks for the info though.
Just picked up an Anthem P2 for the 2 front channels and I will continue to use the Anthem MRX for the other 3 channels.
Thank you all for your input.