Is the Oppo-105 with Modwright modifications

As good as they say it is. I was talking to a dealer today and he said you can't have a state of the art product when you start with crap. He said the Saber DAC's were junk and I'd be wasting my money doing the Modwright upgrades. On the other hand I have heard people rave about it. What is your take on this player and the Modwright upgrades? Am I better off buying a high-end used CD player without a warranty. I like the Idea of a modded player but I don't want to be disappointed and take a big loss.

Showing 2 responses by brrgrr

No problem with the updates thus far. I've had my modded 105 for several months and just did the latest update rom Oppo with no issues .
That may be true. But if resell drives your purchase decisions, surely this limits the choices you make.
I tend to buy for the long term , so it wasn't a consideration. Those who constantly trade in search of the next big thing also see their money lost.
I guess it's an individual choice we all must make.
I still have a GNS modded Resolution Audio Opus 21 , that I now will sell, and it was a $1500 mod fee. But over the many years it's really a small amount.
I think as long as you are comfortable with the choices you make, do it.