Is Shindo active?

Does anobody know whether Shindo Laboratories are active or not? A local hi-end dealer tried to contact them offering to purchase some of their amplifiers but they did not respond to his numerous letters and requests. I will appreciate any information in this respect.

Showing 2 responses by salc

I'm interested in the Shindo preamp, but one of my concerns is if I'm correct which I may not is that this equipment is essentially old new stock. If this is true what can I expect if I need tube replacement or a cap needs replacement 5 or 10 yrs from now. Does Shindo have enough of a stock to replace the parts with idential parts that would maintain the sonic signiture?
thank you for your immediate response. I was completely blown away by the sound signiture of the Monbrison and Masseto(sp?) preamp, and have yet to find anything better.