Is my Stylus damaged?

Ok, I realize this was a bone head thing to do.  Because of a distraction I accidentally left my tone arm on a record, with the turntable on for about 2 hours.  Yes, yes I know incredibly stupid, please no lectures.  Have I damaged the Stylus?  Should I toss it and buy a new one?  It is a Hana ML.
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Showing 2 responses by mijostyn

I use one of these
It is $100 less than the Little Fwend and it works fine with medium to low compliance cartridges. The only caveat with these is not forgetting to cock the device. If you forget the record will skip at that point forever.  
jili12, 2 hours? That's nothing. I left it running all night once! The cartridge is fine and no I did not cut through to the other side.