Is Audience or Cardas a better choice than Kimber?

Stereovox is not sold in Norway. How does Kimber cables compare? Is Audience Au24 or Cardas Golden Ref. a better choice than Kimber Select to my Berning ZH270 and Merlin VSM-MX?

Showing 1 response by sbank

IMHO, Cardas Golden Ref is a much better choice than Kimber for use w/Merlins & Berning(I own both). au24 is pretty good, but the Cardas Golden Ref is much smoother, full-bodied and natural sounding. The au24 is a tad lean by comparison, but still probably one of the best options in its price class.
Kimber is VERY different sounding, and a better match with "tubier", darker balanced components that lack the high transparency of the Berning & Merlins. The only cables that others have recommended that might better the Cardas with this gear is Stereovox. I haven't heard it, but would like to. Cheers,