Is a cable cooker worth it?

I have heard many good things that a cable cooker can do to improve a system, but I am wondering at what point the expense of a cooker is worth it? Alltogether, how long must I burn in my cables, via system play, before they are good and hot as opposed to the expense of buying an Audio Dharma cooker and having near instant results? I don't know where I fall in terms of mid to high end audiophile, but I calculate that by the time I get all the components that I want for my system, minus cables and extras, I am approaching $8500 bucks(only components). So, is a cable cooker worth it for someone like me?

Showing 1 response by pbb

Get a Panasonic rice cooker! I have had one for years, does a great job. Great rice, accompanying, let's say, shrimp with black bean sauce is way better than the delusional rewards of nonsensical tweaks. I will share my shrimp recipe if you want. I am certain that in any shootout between the rice/shrimp dish and eating a piece of cooked wire, the former will win. I predict the same results if the comparison is between eating the former and "listening" to the latter. Buy records and food. Good night.