Showing 4 responses by cd318

It’s the law of diminishing marginal returns. As more and more audiophiles are getting vaccinated against snake oil bites they’re less likely to get bitten.

The peddlers have to therefore financially compensate by ramping up the prices to comical levels hoping for some sucker to bite. Everyone knows there’s one born every minute. It’s just a question of finding them.

The rest of us know that once you get past 10p a fuse there’s not much more happening.

However if you want to live dangerously, and your circuit breaker is up to the job, you can always try to substitute a 13 amp fuse for a 3/5 amp one. [For extra unnecessary risk you could always add a ghost chilli to your next meal].

Alternatively I will generously offer you some hi-tech hand polished 3amp, 5amp, or 13amp fuses for @$100 each. In the colour of your choice.

That will save you a massive $2844.00 dollars you could put towards a real upgrade.

A win win situation. I get your money and you get the satisfaction of basking in a self induced hypnotic suggestion for a few weeks.

By the time it wears off, as it must, I will have some more serpent grease ready for your consumption.

At a fair price of course.

If you are short of funds and prepared to do some work, then perhaps I can recommend some self hypnosis.

Remove any existing fuse and simply place it under a home made pyramid and chant the following 5 times.

’Son-ic en-lighten-ment be upon thee’
Now replace the fuse and prepare for a few weeks of aural delight.

Otherwise I can do the important work for you or sell you a home suggestion DIY kit with some standard fuses enclosed at the reduced price of $49.00 each.

"By even starting a stupid post like this, make those that have even paid as much as $150!!! for a 10c fuse look just as gullible and been shafted big time also."

But isn't that the same clever psychological tactic that those traveling shill salesmen have been using for centuries? 

"Here we have this genuine silver plated cutlery set that would normally retail at Harrods for £2000 a set. How much am I asking? 

A grand (£1000)? nah, do me a favour! Not even a monkey (£500), nope for this one time only this royal set, the same as her majesty uses I'm told, can be yours for a only a ton (£100). I'm practically giving them away. Quick take them off my hands before I'm arrested for robbing myself!" etc etc

Rinse and repeat ad infinitum until the customer begins to believe that paying anything more than a few pence for a mere fuse MUST be good value for money.
"But more important, how much unearned wealth can they suck out of the economy through scams before their theft becomes as morally offensive as a merchant short changing a blind person handing her $1 bills in change in place of $100 bills which are correct?"

Big banks and big pharma seem currently determined to bleed the world dry. Sadly there really doesn’t seem to be any limit to human greed.

"Products like this, IN MY OPINION, take serious advantage of people by making unverifiable grandiose claims."

True, but they NEVER EVER state them.
They merely imply them.

The rest is up to the imagination, wishes and suggestibility of the consumer.
If any one of us ever finds themselves in court charged with some serious offence possibly demanding some time inside, then it might be worth showing this thread to your legal team as one possible means of defence.

You may even be able to manoeuvre yourself some leniency, just as long as the judge and jury don't get the word audiophile confused with something a little more Joe Bidenesque.