Integrated with good headphone output

Hi all,

I recently bought some Grado SR60 headphones and I'm looking for a headphone amp. I got to thinking a budget integrated (3-400) with a good headphone output is more versatile than a dedicated headphone amp. Any ideas? New or used, old or new, whatever.

On a related note, are most headphone outputs on a seperate circuit from the amplifier output section?



Showing 1 response by magfan

Willing to try some DIY?

Check out the CMOY pages. Most of what you'll need is at the RadioShack. The rest? A single order to any one of the electronic vendors. Than you can get into 'opamp rolling'. Buying the tools, for those without tools may be expensive, but you'll never have to buy 'em again.

You can build one for 30$ or 40$. It should drive the Grado phones just fine.