Ikea Eket shelves with a large vinyl collection?

Hi All, 

Has anyone had success storing a large vinyl collection (2000+) in the Ikea Eket shelves? I'm worried about the weight restrictions per shelf. My current shelves hold about 40 lbs. per shelf, but the Eket is rated only 15 lbs per shelf. Any experience with this? 

Showing 2 responses by arcticdeth

 steel shelves. 
 are stored in odyssey BOXES!
160-180 LPS per box. Depending on thickness and et all. 
Happy w them!
Most of mine are stored on the Odyssey boxes.  
 Great storage
japanese rice papers inners and sea lake Japanese Mylar bags, then in the Odyssey boxes.  
A little hard to get to, but, their amazing!