If you knew then, what you know now...

WHAT would you have done differently in your path to "audio nirvana" ??? Given that most of us have spent WAY more than we realized until just recently : ) this might be a good way to help others out. They might be able to learn from our mistakes without having to spend as much money to get where we are at today. Sean

Showing 1 response by caterham1700

...I'd have taken more time and effort in attempting to understand my own musical tastes,needs and desires.
I wish that I had much earlier set up an idealised musical goal and a path to achieve it rather than flitting about with ever more expensive hardware in some elusive and nebulous hunt for "better" and "more".
It was all too easy to fall into the HiFi trap of unending flirtations and unattainable expectations and forget that truely good audio is merely a personalized collection of appliances at the service of Music.
My greatest discovery was a simple one, applicable to many things in life: know thyself.