If money were no object, what would be in your rig

Many of us have admired great systems on Audiogon like Albert Porters and some of us prefer a more simpler system. If you could change any component(s) what would it be and why? Or are you satisfied with what you have?

Showing 6 responses by phd

Mapman, it never entered my mind that the listening room in itself would be money well spent when I put forth this thread but that is a heck of good response. I still miss my older but very large home prior to buying my new house. It had an extremely large living room with ten foot ceilings. The acoustics in that particular room were mind blowing, but thats the only thing missed.
Jmcgrogan2, really, I didn't know that any gear could be that expensive. I think you missed the point entirely and the thread was meant to examine someones dream system. As an audiophile you already know that most of us have set lofty goals. But I think it it is clear based on the response from Shadorne he has no monetary constraints. If you don't have the hokey, you can't do the pokey. That is not meant to be sexual.
Magfan, lets hear the rest. I have found that dreams can come true and when you set goals and in time we will reach them. There is nothing wrong with wishful thinking.
Rtn1, I like your answer. If money were no object you still would choose to be reasonable and look for gear that offers value. I feel the same way but don't want to tread on anyone that feels otherwise since there are no right or wrong responses.
Jmcgrogan2, your point is well taken. How about that guy that just won 259 million and had only twenty nine dollars to his name, I wonder what kind of system he would assemble, maybe he has no interest in this arena. Bill Gates may be one of the richest men in America, could be he has Adcom components and maybe picked them up at an estate sale. Just recently visited my doctor and knowing my interest in audio was bragging to me about his recent purchase of a Rotel system. Not to hurt anyones feelings I told him, doc your on the right track. Whats my point, people put their money where their interests are.

We have talked about hifi orgies and the hokey pokey among other things, someone is getting turned on about audio, maybe we can get these things layed, and then put to rest. LOL.
Tiggerfc, In regards to turntables, I like your thinking. To me no system looks complete without one & if it's a beauty that is even better.