I need help, my system died

My system is only dead emotionally, it still works. Three weeks ago my system was sounding amazing, one of the best i have ever heard. In an attempt to make it even better i tried out some 8 foot cables that are supposed to be better than my current pair. I usually use 20 ft cables and hence i had to move a lot of my equipment to make them fit. Afterwards, i went on vacation and turned off all of my equipment for a week. I also unplugged all of my power cords and brought them with me to try them on my friends system. Its been two weeks since i've been back and my system has easily had enough time to rebreak in as it is always kept powered up. Now, however, although there have been no component changes my system sounds terrible. Well it sounds the same superficially but it seems like all of the warmth, realism and depth have been sucked out of it, while all the detail remains. Does anyone have any idea what could have happened? My system is no longer enjoyable to listen to as it lacks emotion and the rich textures it used to have. Any ideas as to what could have caused this and how to fix it?

Showing 1 response by pbb

Did you ask yourself if anything has changed in your soul? Did you ask yourself if you are being childish? Why not put everything back to how it was prior to this "upgrade" and if objectively (what an ugly word) it sounds the same, the change is within you. You then have different paths to pursue. Psychotherapy, but then you have to choose which school should your therapist has been schooled in. Religion, but then you have to choose whether one of the original six (or is that hockey?) or an offshoot, splinter group, variant or recently franchised (anything less than six hundred years is recently franchised in my mind) group. I would suggest my own brand of therapy: go out and buy a whole bunch of recordings, including stuff you may not have considered buying before. That should jump start you. If it doesn't you are a grade "A" equipment freak and very little can than be done for you that does not include spending inconsiderate amounts of money to less and less effect. Hope you find the path to enchantment.