I am asking your opinion as to the best turntable

I have owned a Rockport Serius II, VYGER INDIAN and am considering whether to go to a small platform table (SME 30). Before wandering down that path, I am soliciting your personal opinions, taste recommendations and observations about tables, usabililty, reliability and ultimate sonics. If untimate sonics are my first priority and reliability is my second priority, then what have I overlooked and should consider, investigate, listen to before I move on.

The VYGER will be up and running by next week and my reservations are the air pump which will be new and has to be installed outside my room in a remote location. The VYGER also takes up a separate space in the room I'd like to use for storage and a small footprint table could sit on a proper equipment stand.

If you're not familiar with my system, it's under all out assault, the room behind the racing library.

Bill E

Showing 1 response by jeff_jones

Bill, after you have addressed usability & reliability & support, your best bet it too get whatever looks the coolest (or otherwise rings your chimes) & see what happens.
At the price points you are talking about (and much lower) it is 99% about personal taste and system matching. Nobody can tell you what you'd end up liking best & there is no way to do a meaningful audition unless it is in home and reasonably long term.