How to tame brightness

System is:

Audio refinement Complete Int
EPOS - M12
Music Hall Cd25
All Signal cables

I love the overall sound of this system, but the Epos tend to get sharp/edgy/hazy/shrill. How can I tame this issue, or does it require and upgrade?

Showing 1 response by monjul

I agree with attacking the acoustics first since this is where a smart 'file begins the quest to get great (best) sound. If you can take the brightest sounding system/room and turn it into a dull mush by overdoing sound treatment, then your happy medium obviously lies somewhere in between. If you have slap echo, you're gong to have bright sound. Start with the 1st reflections then the room tri-corners where slap echo lives.

While I agree that felt is a good thing because diffraction sucks, diffractions usually affect imaging more than anything else.