How to stop upgrading and aviod going bankrupt????

So I've built my system, and I love it. I don't want to get into the whole buy/sell/buy loop where I am constatly upgrading, and I certainly don't have the money to do so. But I am obsessed.

I love reading about high end audio, but it's not THAT satisfying. I can't keep running into my dealer's to hear things if I know I am not going to buy. It's not fair to him. And I keep hearing about new products coming out, and wonder if they are better than what I have. Maybe I should stop reading, but I enjoy it.

How do you deal with the upgrade bug?

Showing 1 response by dweller

First, ask yourself what you want your system to be doing that it isn't doing now. My driving motive was to have a system free of all the bad things about vinyl (surface noise, pops during the most intimate part of the music, etc.). I have achieved this.

Next, determine if your priorities are in line with reality. Have you been in debt more than a year to feed your system? Is owning your own home more important than good sound? Do the "grown up" thing first...

Finally, when you have a decent baseline system, budget a percentage of your income each year to do your hobby. 10%? 20%? You decide. Just remember that TV commercial where they explain that "the $2000.00 watch really costs $10000.00" If you would have invested the money for retirement...