How to eliminate popping noises from ac supply?

Hello, I have been recently experiencing a raft of popping sounds through my loudspeakers. I recently rearranged all my plug-ins in my Furutech eTP 80 to ensure all components were plugged into appropriate receptacles, digital into filtered side, amps into non-filtered side, and now I have these popping noises in my system. Any time something is switched on, light switch, etc., the noise occurs. I have a dedicated 20 amp circuit to my system. Any ideas as to how to cure this problem? Thanks for any help that can be given, Dan
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Showing 2 responses by islandmandan

I actually used to have serious problems with this before I got the Furutech. I've not had an issue with the Furutech since I got it a couple of years ago. I very much doubt that's the problem, but if all else fails, that's something to try. Thanks for your reply, Dan
No, not on the same circuit, although they would share a common ground in the panel. These noises are coming from light switches and other sources, I have even heard it when something switches on in my cd player! This has me stumped. Thanks for your reply, Dan