How much power is too much for a Quad 988?

Just bought a very nice pair of Quad 988s kind of on impulse and was quite surprised how nice they sound. Having said that, I have a PS Audio GCC250 and I am afraid even though I am very careful about volume levels in general these days am I flirting with disaster.
Question would come down to: since my amp is double plus the recommended 100watt/10V? output, am I just asking for trouble with this amount of power running through them ?

Showing 1 response by johnsonwu

Open the bottom and check the flimsy sand resistor in series with the input, being paralleled by a 220uF lytic.

These are the things that would break over time and cause the speakers to distort prematurely, with a domino effect of getting the triac clamp that is activated by ionization detection to kick in and shut down the speakers.

This is a protection mechanism that is very hard on solid state amps so user-beware.

There's another thing called a thermister next to the resistor and cap that supposedly increases in resistance when the speaker is overdriven. But that thing does more harm than good IMO.

Check out other 988 989 postings on the forums on how to upgrade and watch for failure.