How loud do you like to play your music?

Instead of guessing from random comments. I thought a census of listening levels from members would be useful. feel free to mention a range.
My lowest listenable level is 80 db my favorite is 90 to 95 the loudest is 100 or just give your single preferred volume. The numbers above are my actual preferences.
If you do not have or used an SPL meter, just say Hi, Medium or low but try give us a reference point of some kind if possible.
Extraneous info is welcome. For example in my book shelf system it's... but in my main rig it's... Thanks

Showing 3 responses by nilthepill

My volume is set at specific level, i never ( except in few cases where recordings are low volume) touch it and is tuned for both CD and analog playbacks.

With this set up my volume/peaks varies between 75-85 db. You could say average is around 78 db!

for occasional high spirit listening sessions i crank it up a bit to may be around average of 85 dbs, peaks to 90 db- Solo Piano's and dance/rock music sounds much more believable at this level
BTW, I listen near field- about 6-7 ft from my big speakers!

Detlof, gotta get the new IPhone as my vintage iPhone does not have a built in SPL meter. Or did you buy an ap for that?
"09-11-09: Acoustat6
I think the good Dr. Mechans will have a new prescription for you. Thankfully your name is NilthePILL."

Acoustat5, you are not kidding! If I change volume and then I need to get back to my specific level, i would use magnifying glass to rotate my preamp's volume knob back to its precise location (my preamp has old fashioned analog volume control)
I guess I am anal in this not because i have this crazy theory (like yours ;-)) but in my average size room, at my listening position, which is very close, everything sounds 'right' at this 'specific level'

Like I said, I do occasionally 'turn it up'. But may Dr Mechans can prescribe me a pill to do that more often or get rid of this OCD of mine ;-)