How hard is it to admit you bought bad gear?

I just thought of this reading through the Hall of Shame post(a good one I might ad), how hard is it for you (or I) to admit you got sold a sonic bill of goods, and actually got stuck with just an outrageous bill? I often wonder that when I go to the audioreview forum looking up what others think about certain pieces, knowing that I am not going to put to much credence in what I am reading because these people have spent a lot of money and it influences the psyche. No offense to some, but I do believe its true to a point. Just wondered about others thoughts along those lines.

Showing 1 response by patmatt

It is not in any way difficult for me to admit I bought a piece of crap. is hard to say what brand because I don't like putting down a specific product just because it didn't work in my system. I have to admit that 95% of my purchases ended in satisfaction. However, there is a Turntable I purchased that was absolutely horrible in my system, and fortunately I was able to sell it to someone who was familiar with the product and wanted it. I would love to be brutally honest about products I don't like and have never heard. IMO, there are some esoteric high-end components out there that sell well and really suck, but it isn't my aim to tear a product down. It is enough for me to know what I know and avoid said product at all costs.
But as far as buying products that are total crap and admitting it? Well, I do that without reservation to the one person my opinion matters the most to..............ME!

Great thread!