How good is the Dodd battery powered preamp ?

I heard an early sample from Jan 07 and it was spooky with the superb s/n ratio and dead quiet background voices are Real and instruments have a nice woody tone ,or brassy real trumpet sound, and the Bass was very tight and fast. The review that was in 10 audio was a sample only running 2 of the 4 batterys all new models run 4 in series for unlimited current on demand , also the review sample provided from a dealer named in the review
is of little knowledge in electronics, the preamp had less than 60 hours on it ,therefore the teflon -Sonicaps were
not even close to be run in, no wonder the bass was a little shy .Wake up guys before you test any product make sure is has at least 200 hours on it to give the product a fair evaluation.

Showing 1 response by viper_z

08-05-08: Pubul57
Seems like you prefer the new Red Wine. Does make me pause to see what the consensus will be for their new preamp
Forget about 'consensus', the 'consensus' in this hobby is that there's no 'consensus'.

Just buy the RWA and return it if you don't like it, you got nothing to lose. For the record, I do not own RWA product but I like their humble marketin strategy.