how do you handle your clean records?

Ok, I'm sitting here in my listening room cleaning some records. I received a spin clean for Fathers day. I thought my records have been kept clean and so far I can tell that I only thought they were clean. After cleaning and drying a record, placing it in a new sleeve and putting back in my record storage I had a thought. I grabbed one to play. Here is where I had my issue. How do you remove the clean record without touching it and leaving finger marks on the edge? Should I get some soft white cotton gloves to handle the records? I don't have any priceless records but I want to keep them all as nice as I can. So my question is "How do you handle your clean records"?
Thanks for the input

Showing 2 responses by inna

Two fingers on the label. Be careful not to slide it out and drop on the floor if you use gravity technique. I just position my hand and take it out of the sleeve, no gravity assistance. Edge fingerprints is non-issue.
Dropping a record on a hardwood floor should not be a problem. Just clean it and play. After all you wouldn't do it too often.
Also, take a record that is not valuable and intentionally drop it on the floor. Or, if you wish, I can do it for you and report what happened. I have a hard wood floor and can drop it from, say, five feet.
But I am carefull not to drop my Maxell Vertex cassettes that I regularly play. This could be unfortunate, though most likely even the cassette would survive the drop on the hardwood floor from three/four feet.