How do you get Happy as an Audiophile?

There’s an interesting, relatively modern take on mental health called Positive Psychology. While not without it’s faults and detractors, PP has a very interesting approach. Instead of asking questions on the axis of illness and diagnosis PP asks questions on the scale of happiness:

What is it that makes you more or less content with your life and in your pursuits? How can these actions, events or states be codified and applied as general principles?

In the spirit of PP then I ask:

How do you get happy? What advice would you give an audiophile that asks "What is satisfying about being an audiophile, and what are the approaches that get me there? Do you personally know the answers for yourself? "


Showing 4 responses by mahgister

I am a completely happy audiophile and music lover...

Some think it is impossible by definition  bit it is ONLY because all the industry completely underestimate the powerful improvement made by acoustic and psycho-acoustic over gear change...

Ignorance may be bliss yess, but it is a deceiving flickering bliss in an audio "hell" of conditioned ignorance...

The 2 goal music and sound satisfaction are attainable at low cost but and there is a BUT, you must learn to controls mechanical, electrical and acoustical working dimensions... Is it only my opinion ?

No it is my experience... Is my audio system perfect ? Not at all... But it is enough good to make me smiling at any COSTLY upgrade.... Diminishing return law exist... Especially if you use acoustic but also psycho-acoustic control to optimize your gear/room/ears relation...

i say that to give hope... I never want to live with music in an unsatisfied sonic clothes...I only had the time to solve this problem after my retirement... i will never upgrade nor be envious again ....Think acoustic to begin with at least...

The reason of this conflict is that passive material treatment in general adress more the imaging and position in space than the Tonal accuracy... Active acoustic control adress more the tonal aspect than the location of sound source in space...

I dont have this conflict at all with my audio system because i use passive material treatment and active mechanical control with Helmholtz resonators...

Why this is so ?

Because the right balance between absorbtion-diffusion-reflection make imaging taming reverberation time in particular...

But to adapt the room FOR the speakers specs i used active mechanichal equalization were my devices are part of the room in a permant way introducing by their location different pressures zones that optimized for my specific ears the way the speakers deliver timbre tonal microstructure experience...By driving each speakers first wavefront for my 2 different ears by the dyssimetric locations of the Helmoltz resonators near each speakers and around the room...

You are spot on about the uncessary upgrade of speakers most of the time by ignorance of acoustic and psycho-acoustic basic facts...


Room acoustics. I found that a lot of the reasons I wanted to keep changing speakers were not solvable by new speakers but by having room acoustics that helped me see through my room.

Giving up on imaging. It’s not that I don’t care about imaging, but given a preference I prefer hearing the acoustic recording space, and smooth tonal accuracy over being able to feel musicians in my room, or attempting to place each violinist. These items are often in conflict and I made my choices. This is also related to giving up on cables. I found too often I was giving up musical experience for imaging.



Reading about acoustic....

And simple thinking about S.Q./price ratio analysis..

Taking anything useful from my basement to create devices...

Buying nothing after my three basic pieces of gear were rightfully chosen....

This way i feel  happier by the day....