How do you find time to enjoy your $$$ speakers and system?

Maybe this topic is more of recommendation and sharing ideas than a question. We invested in our hifi systems for years to get to a place where we appreciate what our systems sound. Now, how do you find time to enjoy listening to music if many of us work long hours and still need to take care of family, errands etc…I don’t remember when was the last time I spent more than 2 hours a week at the most to enjoy the system I spent $$$ to build. How do you find time to enjoy your system?


Showing 5 responses by roxy54

@analoguefan ,

I think that the answer to your question is pretty simple. We find or make time to do the things that are important to us. No matter how busy we say we are, most of us can look at any given day and realize that good portions of it were wasted.

Time management is a matter of awareness and discipline. It’s not easy.


Nice to hear a contribution from a new female member. What kind of system do you listen through?