How do reference speakers rank to today's standard

I think that most of us at this forum had an experience like I am having now: to choose between a once reference speaker and a recent midrange speaker.
For 8 years I have been the owner of Audio Physic Spark III's and I love the sound of the AP's so I want to cling on to this brand. But what to do.
I can choose between two offers, both in the same price range. One is the Audio Physic Avanti II (the year 2K version, the Century), 11 years old and once a reference speaker.
The other one is a 2 1/2 year old Audio Physic Tempo VI.
I know that speakers do age and that 11 years old speakers won't sound as they did 11 years ago.
Also, in the 8 1/2 years that seperate these AP's there has obviously been some development in speaker design.
But do you think that the Tempo's sound better than the Avanti's ?
And what about the (remaining) lifespan of both of them. For the record, I am not able to listen to them at home. Any advice is highly appreciated. regards, Ton

Showing 1 response by charles1dad

Agree with the opinions here. With the exception of overt abuse a speaker built to a high standard of construction and upper level quality parts, 11 years are nothing in terms of wear. Performance should be very good for many years to come. I`ll always go with the higher quality-older component than a newer but built to a lesser standard one.