High end vs internet

My local dealer tells me that the internet has killed
high end sales.I would like to hear everybodys opinion
about this(including dealers)!

Showing 1 response by tireguy

I can only imagine that dealers who offer poor service and unrealistic prices hate the internet. I have no sympathy for dealers who complain about the net, they weren't complaining when there was NO competition- its time to let all of there clients see why(or perhaps why not) they shop there, instead of whining and complaining perhaps they could rise to the occasion. It only seems logical that these online dealers are making a fair to high profit as well and they do seem to be thrieving, what does a local guy have to offer besides fair advice and high prices? Not only do the local shops near me sell at full retail, they are rude and ignorant, hmmmm let me see why my dealer lives across the country. Now that I think of it, its kind of scary that a dealer 3000 miles away can service his client better then some one who is 13 miles away! When all else fails the old saying goes- if you can't beat them, join 'em! The times they are a changin'