HELP with Speakers for a 11 ft X 12 ft room???

I just moved and unfortunately the size of my room shrank!! I am in a 12' 3" by 11' 6" room with 7 1/2 foot ceilings. Speakers are along the shorter 11 foot wall. I have 2 ASC 16" diameter tube traps in my corners and 2 16" traps between the speakers. My current rig consists of Piega P-8-LTD speakers, Accuphase DP-75v cd player and an Accuphase A-50v amp. I am not sure if a smaller monitor speaker would be a better fit for this room?? It seems like I am not getting the soundstaging / imaging and depth that I was accustomed to - ALSO my ears hurt now when listening at loud levels!!
I like to listen to mostly mainstream rock - classic rock and female vocal recordings. I like to listen at fairly loud levels as well. Am I loosing my mind OR should I try a smaller speaker design?? - I was thinking of Totem Mani-2's, B&W Nautilus 805's OR Dynaudio 1.3's.

Thanks for any help or input!

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Showing 1 response by rhyno

try a diagonal setup. also, try putting some acoustic panels etc at reflection points along w/ diffractor behind seat.

i used to get headaches too in a 12*13*8 room. i don't anymore.
