HELP for Tinnitus

I have been a tinnitus sufferer for several years in my right ear. I found that eliminating carbonated beverages and sugar helped. I have shoved everything I could find in my ear with no success. My volume of ringing would go from low to high without a reason and become terribly annoying.
My masseuse has it also and found Proseed Ear drops with grapefruit seed extract. Two applications of this on one day made the ringing go to very low and stay there since. She believes that it is caused by a fungus and GSE in very good for that.I still have some noise and will continue to use the stuff in the hope I can get rid of of it.
Google Proseed ear drops and you will get several online sellers.

Showing 1 response by french_fries

i'm no expert but ASPIRIN exacerbates my tinnitis noticeably.
after years of colds/flu and a thousand doses of aspirin
(all this was before tylenol was marketed), i found out at the
age of 13 that i had a hearing loss above 10,000 hz or so.
so i won't go near aspirin, and i avoid NOISE. otoh, listening to a great rock band "dig in" is one of the high points of my music-going life (jethro tull, spirit, frank zappa, etc).
they're excused for obvious reasons...