HELP for Tinnitus

I have been a tinnitus sufferer for several years in my right ear. I found that eliminating carbonated beverages and sugar helped. I have shoved everything I could find in my ear with no success. My volume of ringing would go from low to high without a reason and become terribly annoying.
My masseuse has it also and found Proseed Ear drops with grapefruit seed extract. Two applications of this on one day made the ringing go to very low and stay there since. She believes that it is caused by a fungus and GSE in very good for that.I still have some noise and will continue to use the stuff in the hope I can get rid of of it.
Google Proseed ear drops and you will get several online sellers.

Showing 2 responses by eldartford

It would really be wonderful if tinnitus proved to be caused by a fungus, and therefore treatable. This reminds me of stomach ulcers which all doctors knew were caused by excess acid due to stess, until an unknown Aussie doctor found he could cure them using antibiotics.
Khaki8...The placebo effect does certainly exist, but this is not to say that it explains every unexpected result.

Pbb...They don't know how to cure it at the moment, but don't despair. The stomach ulcer cure that I cited on 2/29 should give us hope.