Help Alien spores on my vinyl...

I've noticed that some of my records have begun to sprout this stuff that looks like white spots--generally more prominent around the label, but spreading out from there at decreasing intervals as you move towards the edge of the record. It's not actually white but when you hold the record at an angle that's how it looks against the black of the grooves. It causes audible distortion and vacuum cleaning with RRL Deep Cleaner and Record Wash does nothing to it. Aargh! Anybody know what this stuff is, what causes it, and for the love of God, how I get rid of it? HELP!


Jeff -- hopeless addict of vinyl...the_original_high-res medium.

Showing 1 response by rives

It's probably mold and this is not uncommon for vinyl if not stored properly. Humidity in the cardboard jacket and a nice dark possibly warm from you tube amps--well just a perfect environment to grow mold. Many cleaning fluids have an anti-mold agent in them. I think the deep clean disc doctor does and many goners recommend this. I make my own cleaning fluid (tisk tisk--the shame the shame), and I do use a very small amount of anti-mold agent.

A good professional cleaner like the VPI 16.5 and a fluid with anti-mold agents should take care of it.