Have you recently lost a close audiophile buddy? What has it taught you?

Man lost my closest audiophile buddy last year. It’s been tough. Audiophiles are different. We are a whole other breed. Taught me to enjoy the music and be thankful for what we do have!

Showing 1 response by totoro1000

Lost a great audiophile friend a long time ago. I learnt lots from him, he introduced me to Guy Clark's music making, among so many other things.  I've only been blessed by my audio mates: increasingly rare skills shared, collaborated on projects, generous with time, music, gear, friendship.   My take on the audio community is that we are enriched by our shared love of music, and the pursuit of fidelity.  We tend to be ready to share our interests and help carry on this most interesting pursuit. Thanks to all who share, so we learn, and in turn share.