Has anyone heard the Denon 103-SA?

It is available at www.audiocubes.com and is listed at $749, yet other than a .9g weight increase, I find virtually no difference between it and the "R" variant. Any thoughts would be helpful as I recently installed my very first DL-103 (yes, the congratulatory calls from friends & family, both far and wide, came pouring in)) and have been astounded to find out that all the hype is absolutely true.

Showing 1 response by 213cobra

I've been using Denon 103 variants continually since 1974. The SA has the essential qualities of the 103r, but with the usual advantages of a stiffer body. The advantages over the 103r aren't as great as, say, the ultra rebody and potting of the Zu103, but it moves the stock lossy body 103r in the same direction of more incisive, resolving, wideband sound.

Had an Azden back in the day. It was a startlingly good cartridge for its modest cost, but incapable of delivering the tonal density that makes a 103 so involving. Azden just delivers something good that's completely different.

All you youngsters relatively new to the 103 (ten years is nuthin'), keep a sharp eye out for any chance to land one of the increasingly scarce 103D versions. All of these hot-rodded 103 iterations -- good as they are (and I have some) -- bow to the elliptical errant lost son of the seminal 103.
