Ground wires for Oracle-Delphi MKIII TT

There are three ground wires running along side of the RCA cable that connects the TT to the preamp. I have one connected to the preamp,where do the the other two connect? Do all three connect to the same post? Thank you.
Oracle turntables have a ground connection under the aluminum main chassis - look for a screw terminal there. In some models you can also connect a ground wire to the motor chassis.
Where do these wires originate on the turntable? Do you have the separate termination box on this turntable? Basically - with ground wires - you keep attaching them until the hum get's louder - then you take off the last one you attached.Weirdly enough - I've had TT/Pre combo's in the past that had noticeably less hum with the ground wire not attched to anything.These wires/interconnects wouldn't happen to say Discwasher anywhere on the jacket? Discwasher made some early low capacitance interconnects many years ago - that had a ground wire alongside each shielded cable in the pair.