GNP Valkyrie


Does anyone have information about these speakers?
Anyone with a reveiw from Stereophile issue X-3?

I would like to know when they were made.
And the differenes between the various versions that were mamufactured.

I believe there were several versions. But I don't know what the differences were. I think there at least three versions (the original, version II, and IV).

Any information would be appreciated.


GNP Valkyries were designed and sold by GNP Audio, a high end shop in Pasadena, CA (in the 80's to perhaps 90's, I believe). There were several versions. The earlier versions had a cylindrical, lead lined sonotube enclosure for the midrange driver. Later versions were cosmetically improved with a trapizoidal shaped, but still lead lined, midrange enclosure that was available in different wood veneers. Each driver set (highs, midrange and bass) was separately enclosed, and if I remember correctly, the bass section was either dual 8" or dual 10" drivers.

In any event, the guy you want to talk to at GNP is named Lawrence, if he is still there. He was one of the owners and was there from the beginning. Hope this is somewhat helpful.
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