Girlfriend's mom threw my Cardas out with trash

This weekend, my girlfriend's parents came to visit. In her mother's haste to "help out" around the house, she threw away my brand new Cardas interconnect, which I had not even unpacked yet.

Will someone please respond with some humor. I could use it right now...

Showing 1 response by gregm

G -- you're lucky! Boxes take up space. Cardas ain't all that good anyway :^). The upper midrange is restricted -- not to speak of the +20kHz range... disastrous! You'd have installed the cables and then spent mega$ upgrading yr pre, pronto, to correct the sibilance.

AFTER the 4th upgrade, the nth tube rolling on the AR ref mk 69 pre, the 25th thread on A'gon ("where've I gone wrong with the system?"), the 26th mod on the Audio Aero Capitole mk 52), and having spent the penultimate $ on yr $200k upgrading spree... someone here would finally post a revolutionary idea: "how about THROWING OUT those Cardas and connecting a 69AWG Belden (by then hi-est end) instead".

Magic! By sheer accident of fortune, you've accelerated: brought the future forward by months, maybe years, and limited the investment by a few 100k $!!!

Not to speak of an old B-Point Special I had retipped 4 times in one year by V D Hul(the last for free), thanks to my zealous cleaning lady. By adding a few extra $ I purchased a Clearaudio Discovery.

(You sure you can't get a research deal with the trash people?)

Throw some Mahler 5th on the existing system and crank it up! Fill a glass with Lagavulin, spring water, no ice. Listen & get drunk. Good medicine.