Gallo Reference 3.1 distance from walls?

What are minimum distances from the rear and side walls for the Gallo Reference 3.1's?


Showing 1 response by rlwainwright

Try to get at least 1 meter clearance if you can. 2 meters would be better still for a deeper soundstage. Limiting (or re-locating) any equipment placed between the speakers will also help quite a bit. I have an HDTV in between mine that is set back about a foot behind the speakers and I use a heavy blanket to cover the TV when I'm doing "serious" listening. It seems to help tighten up the focus of the soundstage. See my System link.

Obviously, I would recommend you experiment with speaker placement in your environment to see what sounds best and can be lived with on a daily basis...

Great speakers, huh?
