Future of cables!


I know very little about cable technology & even less about quantum physics. I read this & immediately thought (10+yrs down the road) this would upend cable tech: efficiency, clarity, & probably a bunch of stuff I don’t even know about that goes into cable science.

So, say hello to your new 2030 $70k cables. I’m curious what other people think.

Showing 3 responses by tochsii

Millercarbon, please leave the discussion.  I asked a question & expected interesting & respectful responses to the article.  I’ve asked for you to be blocked.  I don’t need your rude & abusive trolling here.
Kijanki & geoffkait, I never knew your points.  I assumed everything came down to electrons moving.  If it travels electromagneticly & outside the cable... dumb question... then what does the cable matter?  Not being sarcastic-I’m just pretty new and not a regular or quantum physicist. lol