Fusion Audio Romance Series

Has anyone bought or tried Eric's new Romance series? I bought his Romance 1's and highly recommend them. Best cables I have owned so far. I have to say Eric was right when he said the interconnects were like inserting a 300B in your system. I also have his Impulse powercord and it is giving me very good results.
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Showing 3 responses by grannyring

Amen and yes to the Romance line from Eric.

Great wire with wonderful warm and rich sound.
Great to hear from another owner. I have 2 sets of his Romance IC's and they are an absolute joy to listen to.

So full of body and detail with all the air and warmth.I once thought it impossible to find all this in one cable.

Plus Eric is great to work with. Great service.
I forgot to mention I also have an Enchanter power cord on my preamp and an Impulse cord on my CD player. Great together.

Yes, Eric is a joy to deal with and has a real passion to please and for audio. Others need to know about him and his awesome wire.