Fuse Removal Hegel H300

Can anyone help with this annoying problem? I would like to change the fuse on this unit but am being stymied. It looks as if the fuse is under the IEC connector on the back of the unit. There seems to be a compartment door of some kind BUT I can't get it open! Wants to snap if I try a small blade screwdriver. What am I missing?
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Showing 2 responses by davidpritchard

I have to hold a flashlight in my spare hand, or in my mouth, or put on one of the LED flashlight headlights to do anything audio. I do like the new headlights.

I hope you will  be trying a Synergistic Research Black fuse with the Hegel. I have a feeling that amp will really respond to eliminating the fuse bottleneck.

David Pritchard

I would simply start with the Black fuse. In most situations including my three tube amps and four solid state amps, the Black fuse outperformed the RED fuse. The difference in sound is significant. In most systems the RED fuse is a nice improvement and the Black fuse is a major improvement.

Now I have spent a lot of time breaking in 21 Black fuses and a combination of RED fuses and the original SR-20 fuses.  It is a fun experiment but time consuming!

David Pritchard