Free Tweak...does it work for you??

I tried this experiment and well.....I wonder if anyone in the AudiogoN community will share my experience
Try this: Take a power chord and if its not too thick or not too short, form a horse-shoe with it and then tie a square knot in it. you know, right over left and under, left over right and under. OK, if you can't use a power chord, try speaker cables or a pair of interconnects.
What do YOU hear? anything different?
For those of you with good ears, do the square knot on the electrical chord from a lamp to the wall socket...hear anything???
Try it, and post your results, and let's see what happens.....

Showing 1 response by driver

I started the lamp square knot experiment but when I unplugged the lamp cord, I couldn't see what I was doing & wound up calling it a night, as I'll have to wait for daylight to plug it back in.