for the ultimate vinyl analog lover---when you die

anyone interested?

Showing 3 responses by albertporter

Instead of a groovy kind of love it would be a groovy kind of death. I'm thinking up good cuts for for my ashes LP, how about:

Creedence Clearwater, "Porterville"

Beatles "I'm Not What I Appear To Be"

Kate Bush "How to be Invisible"

Crosby, Stills and Nash, "Long Time Gone"

Radiohead, "Bodysnatchers"

Joni Mitchell, "Face Lift"

And finally, especially if the LP's pressed with a warp....

White Stripes, "Icky Thump"
I am looking to be reincarnated into some 12inch DJ vinyl---spend my afterlife in some hot nightclubs with the Paris Hilton's and Lindsey Lohans ;)

I can see it now.

The DJ will puts your 12" ashes album on a chair and with luck a cute little hottie comes along and sits on it. :^).