Footers under big heavy speakers (Stillpoints Ultra 5, Sistrum rack, Finite Elements,..?)

Revisiting isolation and coupling for my main system, I wonder if I would try better coupling devices than the large Symposium Svelte shelves (19"x24") I currently have under my Duntech Sovereign 2001s with 21" w x 35" d wooden base, weighing 360lbs each, which in turn rests directly onto wooden floor. My room was pretty lively before the isolation/coupling and I need better coupling/draining of energy for the speakers. 

What would you suggest?

I could try four Stillpoints Ultra 5 with base under each speaker or what I hope to be at least equally good and more economically is a pair of Sistrum rack platform (using AudioPoints 1.5) that measures 22.75"x 26.75" (I don't think their standard speaker stands can provide enough balance). I could buy a Sistrum SP-4 rack and use two platforms for my speakers. This would be budget wise the same if I would buy two Apprentice SP-SA-XL-4-1.5 (18"x24") as I am looking for a new rack for my second system (Home Theater). 

Star Sound seems to be a very reputable company but earns less coverage than, e.g. Stillpoints. 

The third and probably least talked about solution would be Finite Elements Cerabase but I find less buzz here on the Gon.

Re-posting my experience with StillPoints and Townshend Audio Seismic Pods under the B&W 803 Diamond speakers.

For many years I used a solid plywood base platform with 3 spikes that went through the carpet into a chipboard suspended floor. This was consistently superior with dramatic improvement in sound-staging and more precise bass to using the standard 4 spikes that didn't effectively pierce the carpet.

I tried StillPoints Ultra Fives under the speakers without the platform resting on the carpet. Besides being dangerously unstable under the relatively narrow 803, it was inferior compared to the spiked platform.

I then installed the StillPoints between the spiked platform and speakers. Obvious improvement in microdynamics, improved clarity from midrange and up, but no change to bass quality.

I then also replaced the spikes under the platform with the Townshend Seismic Pods. This did reduce the bass boominess a bit and resulted in a bit more bass articulation, with minor softening of bass impact. I think it also may have improved clarity in midrange, but I can't conclusively confirm without further comparisons.

The combination of Seismic Pods and Ultra Fives made a significant improvement in overall clarity, and more importantly listening engagement.

Seismic Pods are diametrically opposed to spiking where the intent is to ground the speaker to the floor to minimise movement of the speaker. With the Seismic Pods the speakers wobble back and forth if touched, but surprisingly the sound-staging is not worse, and if anything is a bit more independent of the speakers.

I cannot say conclusively whether StillPoints or Townshend is better for a particular situation.

To put the improvements in perspective, optimal positioning of the speakers in the room has MUCH greater impact on overall sound quality than any isolation.

Yes your experience with the Seismic Pods, de-coupled the speakers from the suspended floor. As does Herbie's  Titanium Cone/Spike Decoupling Glider.

When I isolate (de-couple) my massive Martin Logan Monoliths from my suspended floor, the bass becomes far tighter faster and deeper and without overhang, and the image is improved. 

If I couple them into the floor with spikes, then the bass becomes one note'ish the floor vibrates through your feet, and the image is also shot to hell. 

Cheers George 

Also adding my more recent experience with StillPoints under B&W 800 Diamond.

The 800 Diamond is so heavy and stable that I initially left it with the steel ball rollers on the carpet (suspended chipboard floor).

I then replaced the rollers with StillPoints Ultra Fives which improved mid-range quality and micro-dynamics. No significant change to bass quality.

Unlike the 803 Diamond, I didn’t need to use a platform with spikes for stability due to the huge 800 speaker base!

Again my experience is that optimal positioning of the speakers is more important than any isolation.

Good work knghifi, these Titanium Cone/Spike Decoupling Glider will be the way to go if you have a suspended floor and you still want to use your speaker spikes. Some very good feedback from purchasers with suspended floors.

I changed my order to Giant Titanium Cone/Spike Decoupling Glider.   Should arrive this week,

My 23'x33'x15' family room is all hardwood floor on top of garage.  I don't have booming issues or one note bass with current speaker but curious if decoupling will yield any improvements

As from what I can see the Stillpoints wouldn’t be right for a suspended floor as they don’t decouple from it at all, they actually couple, and nowhere on their site do they even get into decoupling for suspended floors.

I thought Stillpoints do decouple in TAS RH review? 
I thought Stillpoints do decouple in TAS RH review?

Unless there’s a hidden "rubberized isolation" section within the two sections of the Stillpoint.

There is something between the two sections, but I was told this is just ball bearings, if so they wouldn’t de-couple from the floor.

As to de-couple you need something soft between the two sections that won’t transmit into the floor.

Think of engine mounts on a car, they are nearly all made with rubber de-coupling from the chassis, some esoteric ones are de-coupled using fluid. Any hard mount would make for a very uncomfortable ride.

Cheers George