Focal Electra 1008 be 2 and Marten Duke 2 monitors

I was just planning to replace my Focal Electra 1007 bes with the newer Electra 1008 be 2 . While this would be a logical upgrade, I've also heard Marten speakers to great effect and I wondering about the new Marten Duke 2. I'm interested if the new Marten Duke 2 monitors might be a more refined sound over the Focal Electra 1008 be 2.
Anyone heard both speakers ? I have current ARC electronics and A Bel Canto 3.5 VBS front end. Any perspectives would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by team212

For me --I've heard both--the Martens seem smoother--but if you're into heavy metal then the Focals have more "bite"

Good Hunting
