Finish Quality of Von Schweikert VR4jr's

I have a system consisting of an EAD Ultradisc as transport, a Benchmark DAC, an ARC LS-15 preamp, Gamut D200 amp and VR4jr speakers, and find I am hearing some "grunge", for a lack of a better word, in the leading edge of vocals. There seems to be an edge to the sound, not a sweetnes , and I am seeking some ideas of what I might change to rid the system of the sound.
I realize the description is a bit week, but all comments will be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by huggerray

I sold my EAD Ultradisc 2000 and purchased a SimAudio Eclipse - All the harshness, grittiness of my CDs vanished-A huge, discernable difference in sound -Currently have a Moon LE player -again top quality with terrific sound - The VR4JRs will reveal everything in your system so this is the first place I would start - also reduce your ambient tweeter setting should help(I keep mine barely on) Signal Cable Silver Resolution sounds great with the VR4JRs-I use it extensively-I think the player change would make the biggest improvement, however...MHO PS Im not dissing EAD -check my "system"!