Emotional rollercoaster

I think I've been slowly improving my system over years. Starting with garage sale finds and tip finds to eBay and ultimately spending serious dollars on some decent amplification and speakers. I was even going to post recently about how the journey has been worth it.
Then this afternoon I tested an old Akai AA-5200 that I'd retrieved from under my ex's house (left it there 8 or so years ago) and I connected it to some old magnat 10p speakers I picked up for about $40 ages ago.... and behold.... I was listening to about $60 of hi-fi equipment that sounded extraordinarily nice and made me wonder why I'd spent a hundred and fifty times that much "improving" my main system over the years. 
It's left me disillusioned and fragile. Is spending big bucks a sham. Where have I gone wrong. It's an emotional rollercoaster. Help.


Showing 5 responses by noble100


    If discovering you don't need to spend big bucks to get decent sounding results in this hobby plops you down on an allegorical emotional roller coaster ride, perhaps you need a new hobby.
     Perhaps you'd find knitting more soothing to your psyche.


     Some very good points there, mapman, Wise words spewing out of your pie hole, well done!

" We don’t know what we really want a lot of the time. You can’t hit the target until you know what it is."

     True, but I wanted to add that, even if we know the target, there are different methods to achieve it. For example, my target was an overall system experience that was dimensional, with solid and stable images in its stereo sound stage imaging, along with a sound that was on the warm side with a bit of sweetness and bloom. Sorry about the cliche audio terms but I think you and most others understand my meaning.
     From what I learned and heard along the way, I initially thought this type of target would require tubes somewhere in the chain. So I bought a VTL preamp, swapped out its standard tubes for expensive NOS Mullards and combined it with a series of high powered ss class AB amps. This approach actually did provide the target system qualities I sought and I always assumed the tubes were adding these qualities to the music I played.
     Recently, I had the urge to try out a different approach which consisted of pairing a very neutral, detailed, low noise and low distortion ss preamp (a ML 326S) with a pair of very neutral, detailed, low noise and low distortion ss class D monoblock amps (D-Sonic M3-600-M). My theory being that this approach would minimize noise and distortion, add very little if anything to the inputted signals, manifesting itself in a close approximation of the audio ideal of ’a straight wire with gain’.
     thought going in that this neutral approach would likely result in the quality of the recordings becoming the main determinant of the overall sound quality of my system and, therefore, a limiting factor.  However, I was willing to accept this compromise.
     What was the result of all this redundant low noise, low distortion and general neutrality?

     Well what do you know, I now perceive the overall sound of my system as having very low noise and distortion, having a high level of detail and generally being very neutral, like a ’straight wire with gain’. But the main lesson I’ve learned during this approach is that it allows the recording and music to be heard and judged on their own merits. I’ve learned that what qualities I thought tubes were adding to the overall sound of my system, the dimension, warmth, sweetness and bloom, are actually qualities that are inherent in the music itself.
     I no longer believe that adding even ordered harmonics are necessary for musical enjoyment. I now believe high faithfulness or fidelity to the inputted signals is a better approach because it’s a simpler, more conducive to being measured and it results in equally enjoyable musical experiences. It’s also important to recognize that high quality recordings are essential in conveying these qualities with a high degree of fidelity.
     My current opinion is that, once a high quality audio system has been assembled and created, that’s exactly where the focus belongs; on the quality of the recording and the qualities of the music. The more knowledge and experience I gain in audio, the more I believe hi-fi, as in high fidelity, is a very accurate and appropriate name for our hobby.


     Well said, baylinor!  I agree completely.

     You can either treat and control the room or let the untreated room control the sound.  You're correct, room treatments are as critical for good results just as a good, solid foundation is critical for a building.


Hello asvjerry,

     I may be showing my age, but what the heck does *G* mean in your posts?  Giggles?


barts:" My car is still as fast, still is a blast, still blows my dress up, makes me smile and never stops impressing me! I am completely satisfied with its performance, couldn't care less about the newest bestest thing on the block."

Hello barts,

     Apparently, things tend to blow your dress up fairly regularly.  Have you ever considered wearing pants? 
    It would be a simple solution for a complexly simple guy.

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