Dust Off compressed air to get dust off of vinyl records

I have a decent record cleaner but wanted to see if anyone ever uses the dust off type compressed air canisters to deal with dust instead of a record brush (when not doing full clean between playings).  Any downsides to using dust off ? I have a number off diff brushes but sometimes I think they add static and/or don't get all the dust (sometimes I think they might add a bit of crackly sound to relatively clean records - i also might be crazy 🤓)
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Showing 2 responses by bdp24

The talk of a slightly moistened pas reminds me of my youth. Any old guys remember the Watts Preener? The introduction of the Discwasher pretty much killed sales of the Watts. LP cleaning didn't get serious until the Keith Monks machine appeared in the mid-70's, but man was it expensive. About two grand, iirc. A lot of money at the time, as much as a pair of Infinity Servo-Static loudspeakers!