Does Time alignment and Phase coherency make for a better loudspeaker?

Some designers strive for phase and time coherency.  Will it improve sound quality?


Showing 3 responses by mozartfan

I'm afraid that while much is made of it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yep,

This is what some DIYers are saying  might affect my new dual FR design speakers,, that running a  pair of FR, one FR might be slightly nearer my listening field and thus reaches my ear BEFORE the other FR,, this a  bunch of muddled fq's. 

I say not so.

I've experiemented with this Duo design and had no issues with time/p incoherency.


Its all a  myth. 

Sure if you have 1 driver 1 foot behind the other,, the its possible, but all drivers at same distance, there is no such thing as 1 driver faster than the other due to one milli second slower/faster vs the other driver.... thus distortion,, its all baloney.

, matching of drivers to within .25 db ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All my drivers are completely dif sensitivity. 87, 91, 95 and about to add a 93. Sounds wonderful.