Does music from your stereo startle you?

My stereo is really starting to sound good to me but it startles me sometimes now. Not kidding, it makes me jump at times, and It's not something I think I particularly like. Most of the time, I like listening to music to relax and unwind, not to be startled and shocked. It will sometimes sound like someone has slammed a door in the house or that someone is actually talking, even when no one is home.

Have you guys experienced this too, or do I need to go back on my meds?

Showing 1 response by nonoise

Welcome to my world. Since settling on what I have, I still can be startled after all this time. It can be quite unnerving as it shocks you out of your revery but that's the well appreciated price it takes to reassure myself that what I have is good enough.

For now.

Enjoy, and don't stop tinkering.

All the best,